Fancy a project this winter?
We have a couple of project boats to keep you occupied on cold winter evenings and to get you on the water for next summers long lazy warm ones.
How about an unusual Sedan style steel motor cruiser with a 62hp Peugeot Vetus main engine and an electrical generator big enough to supply EDF with power? This is a gas free boat with a typically convivial Sedan layout. She has just cruised the Mediterranean from the Spanish coast to the Riviera then up the Rhone into the Burgundy canal system where she awaits her new owner with anticipation. Asking 16,000€ the vendors are open to offers
Crown 31 Sedan
If a more traditional Dutch steel cruiser would suit, then have a look at11 meter Dutch steel cruiser
With a double cabin aft with separate shower there is a WC just off the saloon and a separate V cabin forward. Asking 23,000€ this could make an ideal project for a young family wanting a cruising pied-à-terre in sunny southern France. And the vendors are open to offers
If your feeling a little more ambitious and would like a slice of sailing history then how about this wooden Portuguese gaff cutter sailing barge. She was mostly rebuilt between 2002 & 2003 (photographed & documented with bills to prove) and was last surveyed in 2005 (report available) but a regrettable change of circumstances forces a sale. She was restored with the intention of serving as a cruising itinerant museum on the Mediterranean and could still be used as such or would suit as an artists studio, art gallery or similar commercial use if not transformed into a comfortable and unusual live aboard in the South of France.
Gaff cutter sailing barge
For more information on these boats or if you would like to Contact us with your requirements just mail call or Skype us.